

Treats Fine Lines & acne scarring

Transform your skin with microneedling at L’Azure Spa. The minimally invasive procedure utilizing thin needles is designed to diminish the appearance of skin concerns such as acne, scarring, and fine lines, offering a range of health benefits for your skin.

About the Experience

  • Prepare for microneedling by ensuring clean, makeup-free skin on the treatment day. Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds beforehand. Inform your provider of recent skincare treatments and discontinue retinoids/exfoliants a few days prior. Stay hydrated and well-rested for optimal results.

  • During the treatment, you may experience a sensation of tingling or pricking as the tiny needles penetrate the skin. The level of discomfort varies from person to person, and it's often described as tolerable. Some individuals may feel mild pressure, while others might experience a sensation similar to light sunburn. A topical numbing cream is often applied before the procedure to minimize any potential discomfort.

  • Post treatment, there might be some redness and sensitivity, similar to a mild sunburn, but this typically subsides within a day or two. Always consult with your practitioner to discuss your specific concerns and expectations.



Microneedling Face / $699 per session

Package of Three/ $599 per session

Microneedling Face and Neck / $999 per session

Package of Three/ $899 per session

Microneedling and PRP Facial /$1,099 per session

Package of Three/ $3,099